End Uyghur Forced Labour in China Now
The Chinese government subjects Uyghurs to systematic forced labour.
Companies around the world are complicit.

The Coalition to End Forced Labour in the Uyghur Region
We are a coalition of civil society organisations and trade unions united to end state-sponsored forced labour and other egregious human rights abuses against people from the Uyghur Region in China, known to local people as East Turkistan.
We are calling on leading companies to ensure that they are not supporting or benefiting from the pervasive and extensive forced labour of the Uyghur population and other Turkic and Muslim-majority peoples, perpetrated by the Chinese government.
1 in 5
cotton garments in the global apparel market are tainted by forced labour from the Uyghur Region (as of 2022)
of the world's solar-grade polysilicon used in solar panels comes from the Uyghur Region (as of 2022)
of the largest ICT companies’ supply chains have been linked to forced labour (as of 2022)
of the world’s polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics used in building materials are manufactured in the Uyghur Region (as of 2022)
international auto parts and car manufacturers are at risk of sourcing products made with forced labour (as of 2022)
of the top aluminum, steel, and copper companies in the Uyghur Region are involved in forced labour transfer programs (as of 2022)

Our Call to Action
We are calling on all companies to exit the Uyghur Region at every level of their supply chain, from raw materials to finished products, to prevent the use of forced labour of Uyghurs and other groups in other facilities, and to end relationships with suppliers supporting the forced labour system. Companies must take each of these steps in order to fulfil their corporate responsibility obligations to respect human rights as defined in international principles such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Organisations that wish to become endorsers of the Call to Action are welcome to do so by filling this form.
Companies that wish to make the commitments outlined in our Call to Action should e-mail [email protected]
Individuals are encouraged to sign this petition.
Our Call to Action is endorsed by over 415 organisations from 45 countries.
Among other types of organisations, our Call to Action has been endorsed by:
Uyghur solidarity groups
Investor groups
Faith-based groups
Full list of organisational endorsers:
Above Ground
ABVV-FGTB (General Labour Federation of Belgium)
achACT (Actions Consumers Workers)
Act(Aksi Cepat Tanggap)
ACV-CSC (Confederation of Christian Trade Unions)
ACV-CSC METEA (Metal and Textile Industries Trade Union)
Adas Israel Social Action Committee
Adrian Dominican Sisters, Portfolio Advisory Board
Advocates for Public Interest Law
Æquo, Shareholder Engagement Services
Alberta Uyghur Association
All Hands And Hearts
Alliance Canada Hong Kong
Alliance Sud
American Muslim Bar Association
Amnesty International USA Group 133
Anti-Slavery International
Appalachian State University Peace and Genocide Education Club
Aquinas Associates
Arisa Foundation
Arise Foundation
Asha Imports LlC
Asian Solidarity Council for Freedom and Democracy
Assembly of the Cuban Resistance
Association des Ouïghours de France (Association of French Uyghurs)
Athenai Institute
Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)
Australian East Turkestan Association
Australia Tibet Council
Australian Uyghur Association
Australian Uyghur Tangritagh Women’s Association
Austria Uyghur Association
Azru Uigurischer Kuturverein e.V. (Azru Uyghur Cultural Association)
Azzad Asset Management
Bangladesh Garment and Industrial Workers’ Federation
Bangladesh Groep Nederland
Behind the Bars
Be Slavery Free
Belgium Uyghur Association
BIPOC of Marin
Birmingham Progressive Synagogue
Bishkek Human Rights Committee
Bitter Winter
Board of Deputies of British Jews
Board of Rabbis of Greater Rhode Island
Boston Uyghur Association
Campagna Abiti Puliti
Campaign for Uyghurs
Canada East Turkestan Union
Canadian Labour Congress
Casa de Esperanza
Center for Studies on New Religions
Center for Uyghur Studies
Central Eurasian Studies Society
Central Única dos Trabalhadores, Brasil (Unified Workers’ Central, Brazil)
Chicory Wealth
China Aid Association
China Alarm
China Labor Watch
China Labour Bulletin
Christian Solidarity Worldwide
Christian Super
Citizen Power Initiatives for China
Citizens’ Press Conference
Clean Clothes Campaign
CNV Internationaal
Coalition of Christians for Uyghur Freedom
Collectif Ethique sur l’étiquette
Comitato Lady Lawyer Village
Comité de Apoyo al Tíbet (Tibet Support Committee)
Congregation Beth Ora
Congregation of St. Joseph
CORE Coalition
Corporate Accountability Lab
Cortez Church of the Nazarene
Cotton Campaign
Covenants Watch
Dabindu Collective
Dana Investment Advisors
Daniye Uyghur Jama’itining Wekili (Denmark Uyghur Association)
Darman Foundation
Daughters of Charity, Province of St. Louise
38 Degrees
Diocese of Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force
Doğu Türkistan Basin ve Medya Derneği (East Turkistan Press and Media Association)
Doğu Türkistan Gençlik Derneği (East Turkistan Youth Association)
Doğu Türkistan Kültür Merkezi Duisburg (East Turkistan Cultural Center Duisburg)
Doğu Türkistan Maarif ve Dayanimsa Derneği (East Turkistan Education and Solidarity Association)
Doğu Türkistan Muhacirlar Derneği (East Turkistan Immigrants Association)
Doğu Türkistan Nuzugum Kültür ve Aile Derneği (Nuzugum Culture and Family Centre)
Doğu Türkistan Spor ve Gelişim Derneği (East Turkistan Sports and Development Association)
Doğu Türkistan Yeni Nesil Hareketi Derneği (East Turkistan New Generation Movement)
Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids
Dutch Uyghur Human Rights Foundation
Dutch Uyghur, Tibet, Mongol People Cooperation Organization
East Turkestan Union in Europe
East Turkistan Art & Science Institute
East Turkistan Association of Canada
East Turkistan Cultural and Solidarity Association
East Turkistan Foundation
East Turkistan Human Rights Watch Association
East Turkistan Information Center
East Turkistan National Council
East Turkistan Union in Europe
Eastern Turkistan Uyghur Association in the Netherlands
Église mosaïque Sion (Evangelical Mosaic Church of Zion)
End the Uyghur Genocide
Ethical Consumer
Eureka Solutions Consultant Ltd
European Federation for Freedom of Belief
Extinction Rebellion Fashion Action Netherlands
Extinction Rebellion Indonesia
Eyes on Rettsyndrome
FAIR (Fair Trade Cooperative)
Fair Action
Fashion of Tomorrow
Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution France
Fashion Roundtable
Faith Bible Church of Littleton
Faze Digital
Felician Sisters of North America
FGTB – CG (General Union Belgium)
FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights)
FIDU – Federazione Italiana Diritti Umani
Figure 8 Investment Strategies
Food Empowerment Project
Formosan Association for Public Affairs
Forum for Religious Freedom Europe
FOS (Solidarity for the socialist movement in Flanders)
Foundation for Uyghur Freedom
Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration – FSPA
Free Tibet
Freedom Collaborative Inc
Freedom Fund
Freedom of Conscience
Freedom Ummah
Freedom United
Free Uyghur Coalition
Friends Fiduciary Corporation
Fundacja czas wolny
Garment Labour Union
Gemini Fashion
Gender Alliance for Development Center
Get Shot By A Girl Productions LLC
Global Aktion
Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women
Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
Global Community Partners
Global Labor Justice – International Labor Rights Forum
Global Legal Action Network
Global Rights Compliance
Global Student Forum
God Bless HK
Green America
Green Element
Groupe d’investissement éthique / Ethical Investment Group
Grupo de Apoio ao Tibete (Tibet Support Group)
Harvard Muslim Law Students Association
H&M Hong Kong Staff Union
Heartland Initiative
Hebrew Congregation of SOMERS
Heloderm LLC
Hidayah Centre Foundation
High School Democrats of America: National Muslim Caucus
Homeworkers Worldwide
Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
Hong Kong Global Connect
HOPE not hate
Humanity Research Consultancy
Human Rights First
Human Rights Foundation
Human Rights in China
Human Rights Now
Human Rights Watch
Human Trafficking Search
Humanitarian China
Humanity Beyond Borders
ICNA Council for Social Justice
IFUT (Irish Federation of University Teachers)
IndustriAll Global Union
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
International Campaign for the Rohingya
International Campaign for Tibet
International Coalition Against Modern Slavery
International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (ETAC)
International Commission of Jurists
International Corporate Accountability Roundtable
International Dalit Solidarity Network
International Observatory of Human Rights
International Observatory of Religious Liberty of Refugees
International Service for Human Rights
International Support for Uyghurs (ISU)
International Tibet Network
International Trade Union Confederation
International Union of Food Workers (IUF) Asia/Pacific Regional Organization
International Women’s Alliance for Family Institution and Quality Education (WAFIQ)
Investor Advocates for Social Justice
Investor Alliance for Human Rights
Isa Yusuf Alptekin Foundation
Islamic Information & Services Foundation
Ittipak Uyghur Society of the Kyrgyz Republic
Jaga Rimba
Japan Periodical
Japan Uyghur Association
Japan Uyghur Union
Jewish Movement for Uyghur Freedom
Jewish World Watch
JLens Investor Network
Justice For All
Justice For All Canada
Kazakhstan National Culture Center
Keep Taiwan Free
Korean House for International Solidarity
Kowara Eatery Group
Labour Behind the Label
Lady Lawyer Fashion Archive
Lady Lawyer Foundation
Lantos Foundation for Human Rights & Justice
Leicester Progressive Jewish Congregation
Loyola University MSA
Makkiyyah Institute
Malaysia Consultative Council of Islamic Organizations
Mantra Apokalips Journal
Maquila Solidarity Network
Marin Antiracist Coalition
Mauli Project Management Pvt. Ltd.
Mavi Hilal
Mercy Investment Services
Meri pocket movement
Mighty Earth
Miller/Howard Investments, Inc.
Minaret Foundation
Mitzvah Matzos
Model Alliance
Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies
Movimento Consumatori (Consumer Movement)
NEI Investments (Northwest & Ethical Investments)
Netwerk Bewust Verbruiken (Network for Conscious Consumption)
Nia Impact Capital
Nisa Nashim West Midlands
No Business With Genocide
Northwest Coalition for Responsible Investing
Norwegian Uyghur Committee (NUK)
Old First Church Middletown NJ
One More Percent
Open Gate La Strada Macedonia
Organikal Nutraceutics
OwlSwap Sustainability Initiative at the Kennesaw State University
Pakistan Ömer Uyghur Foundation
Pakistani Student’s Association at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Peace Catalyst International
Presentation Sisters Justice Commission
Priests of the Sacred Heart, U.S. Province
Pro Ethical Trade Finland
Project Cece
Project Moon
Public Citizen
Quilliam International
Qutatqu Bilik Institute
Rafto Foundation for Human Rights
Raise the Voices
Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
Region VI Coalition for Responsible Investment
Regis High School
Religious Freedom Institute
Representative Council Birmingham and West Midlands Jewish Community
René Cassin
Responsible Sourcing Network
Robert F Kennedy Human Rights
Roman Catholic Church
RRSE (Regroupement pour la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises)
Samuel Cogolati (Ecolo)
Satuq Bughrahan Science and Culture Center
SAVE (Social Awareness and Voluntary Education)
Save Tibet
Save Tibet Indonesia
Science, Education and Research Foundation
Seventh Generation Interfaith Coalition for Responsible Investment
SHARE (Shareholder Association for Research & Education)
Shukr Foundation
Silk Road Peace Project
Sisters of Bon Secours USA
Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth
Sisters of Mary Reparatrix
Sisters of St. Dominic of Blauvelt, New York
Sisters of St. Dominic SRI Committee
Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary
Sisters of the Humility of Mary
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Aberdeen, South Dakota
Socially Responsible Investment Coalition
Società Libera
Society for Threatened Peoples (Germany)
Society for Threatened Peoples (Switzerland)
Society Union of Uyghur National Association
Solidarity China
Southern California Students for Uyghur Justice
STANCE: UofT Chapter
STAND: The Student-Led Movement to End Mass Atrocities
Stand with Hong Kong
Star Systems Eco and Earth Foundation
Stefanus Alliance International
Stitched Up Community Benefit Society
St. John’s Episcopal Church, Georgetown
Stolen Dreams UK
Stop Uyghur Genocide
Storebrand Asset Management
Students Against Uyghur Genocide
Students for Environmental Concerns UIUC
Sukkat Shalom, Edinburgh Liberal Jewish Community
Suomen Ita Turkestan Yhdistys (Finland East Turkistan Association)
Supporting Human Rights in China (SHRIC)
Sustainable Value Investors
Sweatfree Purchasing Consortium
Sweden East Turkistan Education Association
Sweden Mahmut Kashgeri Mother Tongue School
Sweden Uyghur Education Association
Taiwan Association for Human Rights
Taklimakan Islamiska Kultur Center
Tamara Smits interim & Consulting
Teen Missions International Australia
The Coalition Radio Network
The Community Human Rights Defenders Network ( ACPDH)
The Constellation Coalition
The Council on Middle East Relations
The Davis Center for Social Justice at Temple Sinai DC
The Fashion Connection
The Rights Practice
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet in Illinois
The Peace Project
The University of Bolton Law Society
Threading Change
Tibet Justice Center
Tibet Support Group
Tibetan Youth Association in Europe
Traidcraft Exchange
Trades Union Congress
Trillium Asset Management
Uighur U.K. Association
Uigurischer Veren Schweiz (Swiss Uyghur Association)
Uiguriska Utbildingsföreningen (Uyghur Education Association)
UK Uyghur Community
United Church Funds
United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1445
United Macedonian Diaspora
United Students Against Sweatshops
Universal Unity
University of Rochester Movement for Uyghur Freedom
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization
Unseen UK
US Tibet Committee
Usha Exim Private Limited
Uyghur Academy
Uyghur Academy America
Uyghur Academy Australia
Uyghur Academy Europe
Uyghur Aid
Uyghur American Association
Uyghur Association of Victoria
Uyghur Collective
Uyghur Democracy and Human Rights Center
Uyghur Forum
Uyghur Human Rights Project
Uyghur Media Center
Uyghur Mothers’ Union in Germany
Uyghur Radio TV
Uyghur Rally
Uyghur Refugee Relief Fund
Uyghur Relief Fund
Uyghur Research Institute
Uyghur Rights Advocacy Project
Uyghur Solidarity Campaign
Uyghur Solidarity Aotearoa New Zealand
Uyghur Support Group Netherlands
Uyghur Transitional Justice Database
Uyghur Youth Initiative
Uyghur Youth Union in Kazakhstan
Uzbekistan Uyghur Culture Center
Vancity Investment Management
Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
Victoria Hong Kong Tertiary Student Association
Vietnam Democracy Center
Visual Artists Guild
Walk Free
Weltwirtschaft, Ökologie & Entwicklung – WEED e.V.
We Social Movements
Worker Rights Consortium
World Uyghur Congress
Zevin Asset Management